Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Having settled on David Gibb's song, "This Young Boy," we listened to it repeatedly and then began noting down ideas through "synesthesia", jotting down what first sprang to mind. With themes such as ageing, death and loss, contrasted with the happy, folky music, we came up with a range of ideas, particularly for setting - certainly a woodland. With the darker themes in the lyrics, though, we chose not to take a redundant approach to the video, and instead looked at the darker representations of music, and were made aware of the 1973 version of "The Wicker Man", who similar combined happy folk music with dark visuals.

Inspired, me and my partner realised we wanted some sort of representations of life and death, and a clear divide between them - life - and possibly the past - represented by saturated colour, warm weather and lighting. Death, on the other hand, would be represented with more muted colours, and would take place in a wintry woodland setting. Whilst the warm life scenes would have groups of friends, perhaps having a picnic, the character in the world of death would be haunted by hanged people in the trees. Based on our ideas, we created our moodboard for our music video.

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