Having gathered experience of Adobe Premier Pro when I undertook my preliminary task, I now had sufficient knowledge to begin editing my Busted video relatively easily.

Uploading the clips onto the side-bar, I began simply dragging and dropping them onto the timeline, detaching their audios and then taking care to align them correctly with the audio, getting timings and durations from both the original storyboard and referring back to the actual music video. Once they were correct, I cut them to the right length and deleted the excess footage. I found in this process that having more than one timeline layered one on top of the other really helped in this process, as I was able to import and edit shots without disrupting the rest of my already cut and placed material.

One of the initial problems I encountered was missing footage which had been lost during upload and also clips that were too long or short in duration. To overcome this, I discovered a way to change the lighting on a shot and, for example, where a shot of the teacher in the dark was missing, I simply used a similar shot from earlier on, this time darkened. In rectifying the timings on some of the clips, I found a "duration" option when right clicking a clip which then allowed me to alter the speed of the clip. In this way I was able to extend the clips of the animals mating shot from the real music video, and also was able to apply the slow-motion technique to the dropping pencil shot near the end of the video.
Completed Video - Busted - What I Go to School For
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